Linear Lisp -- A Linear Lisp Machine
A Linear Lisp Machine
Linear Lispマシン
In this section we introduce an automata-theoretic model of a Lisp Machine in which all cons cells have reference counts of exactly 1, which implies that all data structures are trees--i.e., they have no sharing or cycles.
For example, in our Linear Lisp, NREVERSE is isomorphic to REVERSE.
例えば、私達のLinear Lispでは、NREVERSEはREVERSEに同形です。
Our machine consists of a finite state control and n pointer registers which can hold either atoms or pointers to cons cells.
An atom is either NIL or a symbol.
One of the registers--fr--is distinguished as the "free list" register, and is initialized to point to an infinite list of NIL's.
Another register--sp--is designated as the "stack pointer" register.
The machine can execute any of the following atomic operations:
r1<->r2; /* swap r1,r2. */
r1<->CAR(r2); /* r1,r2 distinct; precondition(not ATOM(r2)) */
r1<->CDR(r2); /* r1,r2 distinct; precondition(not ATOM(r2)) */
NULL(r1); /* predicate for r1=NIL */
ATOM(r1); /* predicate for r1=NIL or symbolp(r1) */
EQ(r1,r2); /* defined only for atomic r1,r2; see [Baker93ER] */
r1:='foo; /* precondition(ATOM(r1) and ATOM('foo)) constant 'foo */
r1:=r2; /* precondition(ATOM(r1) and ATOM(r2)) */
CONS(r1,r2): /* r1,r2 distinct; r2<-CONS(r1,r2) and set r1=NIL */
{r1<->CAR(fr); r2<->fr; fr<->CDR(r2);};
PUSH(r1,r2): /* r1,r2 distinct; Push r1 onto r2 and set r1=NIL */
POP(r1,r2): /* r1,r2 distinct; Pop CAR(r2) into r1 if r1=NIL */
if NULL(r1) and not ATOM(r2)
then {fr<->CDR(r2); r2<->fr; r1<->CAR(fr);}
else die;
Proposition 1. List cell reference counts are conserved and are always identically 1.
Proof by induction [Suzuki82,s.4].
All cons cells start out with unity reference counts, and are only manipulated by exchanges which preserve reference counts.
Proposition 2. All list cells are always accessible--i.e. live, and no garbage is created.
Proof by induction [Suzuki82,s.5].
Storage could "leak" only if we performed ri<->CXR(ri), but we do not allow the swapping of a register with a portion of its own contents.
Programming Note: The only way to "clear" a register which points to a list is to decompose the list stored there and put it back onto the free list.
Putting garbage onto the free list moves work from the point of freeing to the point of allocation; this may smooth out the work, but does not decrease its amount, unless the program terminates with a dirty free list.
FREE(r1): /* Essentially the K combinator! */
if not NULL(r1) then
if ATOM(r1) then r1:='NIL;
{PUSH(r2,sp); POP(r2,r1); /* temporary r2 ~= r1. */
FREE(r1); /* free the cdr of the cell. */
r2<->r1; FREE(r1); /* free the car of the cell. */
We can copy, but only by destroying the original list and creating two new lists.
COPY(r1,r2): /* assert(r2=NIL). Essentially the S combinator! */
if not NULL(r1) then
if ATOM(r1) then r2:=r1;
{PUSH(t1,sp); PUSH(t2,sp);
POP(t1,r1); COPY(r1,r2);
t1<->r1; t2<->r2; COPY(r1,r2);
t1<->r1; t2<->r2; PUSH(t1,r1); PUSH(t2,r2);
POP(t2,sp); POP(t1,sp);}
Finally, we can program recursive EQUAL by destroying and recreating both lists. (We switch to Lisp notation in order to utilize the capabilities of prog1.)
EQUAL(r1,r2): /* Recursive list equality. */
(or (and (ATOM r1) (ATOM r2) (EQ r1 r2))
(and (not (ATOM r1)) (not (ATOM r2))
(progn (PUSH t1 sp) (PUSH t2 sp) (POP t1 r1) (POP t2 r2)
(and (EQUAL r1 r2)
(progn (<-> t1 r1) (<-> t2 r2)
(prog1 (EQUAL r1 r2)
(<-> t1 r1) (<-> t2 r2))))
(PUSH t1 r1) (PUSH t2 r2) (POP t2 sp) (POP t1 sp)))))
Using these definitions, it should be clear that we can program a traditional Lisp interpreter (see Appendix).
However, this interpreter will be inefficient, due to the extra expense of copying.
The one minor problem to be faced is how to handle recursive functions, since we cannot create cycles.
We suggest the following trick based on the lambda calculus Y combinator [Gabriel88]:
(defun fact (f n) (if (zerop n) 1 (* n (funcall f f (1- n)))))
(defun factorial (n) (fact #'fact n))
>> Lively Linear Lisp
>> Abstract
>> Introduction
>> A Linear Lisp Machine
>> A Linear Lisp Machine with FREE, COPY, EQUAL and Assignment
>> Dataflow-like Producer/Consumer EVAL
>> Reconstituting Trees from Fresh Frozen Concentrate
>> Linear Lisp EVAL
>> Implications for Real Multiprocessors
>> Conclusions and Previous Work
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