Linear Lisp -- Abstract



Linear logic has been proposed as one solution to the problem of garbage collection and providing efficient "update-in-place" capabilities within a more functional language.


Linear logic conserves accessibility, and hence provides a mechanical metaphor which is more appropriate for a distributed-memory parallel processor in which copying is explicit.


However, linear logic's lack of sharing may introduce significant inefficiencies of its own.


We show an efficient implementation of linear logic called Linear Lisp that runs within a constant factor of non-linear logic.

私たちは非線形論理の恒常的要因の中を走るLinear Lispと呼ばれる線形論理の効率的な実装を示します。

This Linear Lisp allows RPLACX operations, and manages storage as safely as a non-linear Lisp, but does not need a garbage collector.

このLinear LispはRPLACX操作を許します、そして非線形のLispと同じくらい安全にストレージを管理します、しかし、ガベージコレクターを必要としません。

Since it offers assignments but no sharing, it occupies a twilight zone between functional languages and imperative languages.


Our Linear Lisp Machine offers many of the same capabilities as combinator/graph reduction machines, but without their copying and garbage collection problems.

Linear Lispマシンはコンビネータ/グラフリダクションマシンと同じ能力の多くをを提供します、しかしコピーとガーベージコレクション問題はありません。

>> Lively Linear Lisp
>> Abstract
>> Introduction
>> A Linear Lisp Machine
>> A Linear Lisp Machine with FREE, COPY, EQUAL and Assignment
>> Dataflow-like Producer/Consumer EVAL
>> Reconstituting Trees from Fresh Frozen Concentrate
>> Linear Lisp EVAL
>> Implications for Real Multiprocessors
>> Conclusions and Previous Work

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