Linear Lisp -- A Linear Lisp Machine with FREE, COPY, EQUAL and Assignment

A Linear Lisp Machine with FREE, COPY, EQUAL and Assignment

FREE, COPY, EQUALと代入を備えたLinear Lispマシン

In the previous section, we described a Linear Lisp Machine in which FREE, COPY and EQUAL had to be programmed.

前のセクションでは、私達はFREE, COPY, EQUALがプログラムされたLinear Lispマシンについて述べました。

Now that we have seen how to implement these three functions, we will describe a new machine in which they are primitive operations--e.g., they are implemented in microcode.


This revision will not provide much additional efficiency, but it will provide a more traditional set of primitive operations.


r1:=r2: /* r1, r2 cannot be the same register. */
{FREE(r1); COPY(r2,r1);}

r1:=CAR(r2): /* r1, r2 cannot be the same register. */
{r3<->CAR(r2); r1:=r3; r3<->CAR(r2);}

r1:=CDR(r2): /* r1, r2 cannot be the same register. */
{r3<->CDR(r2); r1:=r3; r3<->CDR(r2);}

RPLACA(r1,r2): /* CAR(r1):=r2. r1, r2 cannot be the same register. */
{r3<->CAR(r1); r3:=r2; r3<->CAR(r1);}

RPLACD(r1,r2): /* CDR(r1):=r2. r1, r2 cannot be the same register. */
{r3<->CDR(r1); r3:=r2; r3<->CDR(r1);}

Using this new set of operations, we can now program our Lisp interpreter in the traditional way, although this interpreter will now be slower unless we have taken precautions to avoid extraneous copying.


This interpreter is still linear logic, in which there is no sharing, however, so operations like RPLACX cannot create loops.


>> Lively Linear Lisp
>> Abstract
>> Introduction
>> A Linear Lisp Machine
>> A Linear Lisp Machine with FREE, COPY, EQUAL and Assignment
>> Dataflow-like Producer/Consumer EVAL
>> Reconstituting Trees from Fresh Frozen Concentrate
>> Linear Lisp EVAL
>> Implications for Real Multiprocessors
>> Conclusions and Previous Work

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