Linear Lisp -- Linear Lisp EVAL

Linear Lisp EVAL

Linear LispのEVAL

It is interesting to analyze the operation of a traditional Lisp interpreter written for this Linear Lisp Machine (see Appendix).

このLinear Lispマシンのために書かれた従来のLispインタプリタの操作の解析をすることは興味深い(付録を参照)。

Since traditional Lisp utilizes "applicative order" evaluation, an argument used multiple times is only evaluated once.


The traditional problem in "call-by-need" evaluation has been the shared flag variable which indicates that the argument has already been computed; Linear Lisp utilizes its arguments exactly once, with an explicit copy required for additional uses, so the applicative-order/normal-order issue is moot and the shared flag variable is not necessary.

「必要により呼ぶ」評価における従来の問題は引数がすでに計算されたことを示すフラグ変数の共有でした:Linear Lispはまさにその引数を一度だけ使用します、さらなる使用のために明示的なコピーを必要とします、そのため適応命令/通常命令の発行は現実的な意味がなく共有フラグ変数は必要ありません。

Our use of hash consing requires transitive strictness on both of its arguments; otherwise EQUAL'ity could be decided prior to the determination of a lazy value, since EQUAL and EQ are equivalent for hash conses.


Thus, parallel evaluation of arguments can be supported, but not laziness.


On the other hand, the implicit synchronization required to strictly resolve a "future" [Baker77] can be efficiently performed with a swapping operation [Herlihy91].


Since the association list of variable bindings must be destroyed in order to search it anyway, the "shallow binding" technique utilizing "rerooting" [Baker78] is essentially optimal.


We can destroy the Lisp program during evaluation in the manner of combinator/graph reduction [Turner79] [Kieburtz85] [Kieburtz87] [Johnsson85] [Johnsson91]; indeed, we must destroy it, since we cannot reference it otherwise, as all of its reference counts are one!


>> Lively Linear Lisp
>> Abstract
>> Introduction
>> A Linear Lisp Machine
>> A Linear Lisp Machine with FREE, COPY, EQUAL and Assignment
>> Dataflow-like Producer/Consumer EVAL
>> Reconstituting Trees from Fresh Frozen Concentrate
>> Linear Lisp EVAL
>> Implications for Real Multiprocessors
>> Conclusions and Previous Work

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